Learn English vocabularies with sentences - Common verbs (Part 30) | Study English together!!!

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Please join with me to study some common verbs in English with sentences.

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@ inform /ɪnˈfɔːrm/
     Meaning: to tell someone about particular facts (nói cho ai biết về cái gì).
     Example: We cannot release the names of the soldiers who were killed until we have informed their next of kin.

@ insist  /ɪnˈsɪst/
     Meaning: to say firmly or demand forcefully, especially when others disagree with or oppose what you say (khăng khăng).
     Example: She insisted on telling me every single detail of what they did to her in hospital.

@ install /ɪnˈstɑːl/
     Meaning: to put furniture, a machine, or a piece of equipment into position and make it ready to use (lắp đặt).
     Example: Local residents are asking for speed humps to be installed in their street.

@ intend /ɪnˈtend/
     Meaning: to have as a plan or purpose (dự định).
     Example: The president has announced he does not intend to stand for re-election.

@ interpret /ɪnˈtɜː.prɪt
     Meaning: to decide what the intended meaning of something is (làm sáng tỏ).
     Example: Recent happenings on the money markets can be interpreted in various ways.

@ introduce /ˌɪn.trəˈduːs/
     Meaning: to tell someone another person's name the first time that they meet (giới thiệu).
     Example: I didn't know anybody at the party, but the hostess came to my rescue by introducing me to a few people.

@ invest  /ɪnˈvest/
     Meaning: to put money, effort, time, et cetera into something to make a profit or get an advantage (đầu tư).
     Example: There is a quirk in the rules that allows you to invest money without paying tax.
@ investigate  /ɪnˈves.tə.ɡeɪt/
     Meaning: to examine a crime, problem, statement, et cetera carefully, especially to discover the truth (điều tra).
     Example: The government set up a commission to investigate the problem of inner city violence.

@ involve /ɪnˈvɑːlv/
     Meaning: if an activity, situation, et cetera involves something, that thing is a part of the activity (bao gồm, dính líu).
     Example: The test involves simple calculations, such as addition and subtraction.

@ iron /aɪrn/
     Meaning: to make clothes flat and smooth using an iron (ủi, là)
     Example: It takes about five minutes to iron a shirt properly.

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