Learn English vocabularies with President Trump's statements - (Part 13) | Study English together!!!

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Please join with me to study some words in English with President Trump's statements.

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@ immunity /ɪˈmjuː.nə.t̬i/
     (noun) a situation in which you are protected against disease or from legal action (quyền miễn trừ).
     Example: If immunity is not granted to a President, every future President who leaves office will be immediately indicted by the opposing party.

@ grant /ɡrænt/
     (verb) to give or allow someone something, usually in an official way (ban cho, trao cho).
     Example: If immunity is not granted to a President, every future President who leaves office will be immediately indicted by the opposing party.

@ indict /ɪnˈdaɪt/
     (verb) if a law court or a grant jury indicts someone, it accuses them officially of a crime (buộc tội, kết tội).
     Example: If immunity is not granted to a President, every future President who leaves office will be immediately indicted by the opposing party.

@ opposing  /əˈpoʊ.zɪŋ/
     (adjective) competing or fighting against each other (chống đối, phản đối).
     Example: If immunity is not granted to a President, every future President who leaves office will be immediately indicted by the opposing party.

@ function /ˈfʌŋk.ʃən/
     (noun) the natural purpose of something or the duty of a person (chức năng).
     Example: Without complete immunity, a President of the United States would not be able to properly function.

@ act /ækt/
     (noun) something that you do (hành động, hành vi).
     Example: Deranged Jack Smith's prosecution of President Trump for his Presidential, official acts is unconstitutional under the doctrine of Presidential Immunity and the separation of powers.

@ doctrine /ˈdɑːk.trɪn/
     (noun) a belief or set of beliefs, especially political or religious ones, that are taught and accepted by a particular group (học thuyết, chủ nghĩa).
     Example: Official acts is unconstitutional under the doctrine of Presidential Immunity and the separation of powers.

@ separation /ˌsep.əˈreɪ.ʃən/
     (noun) the act of leaving your job (sự rời bỏ).
     Example: Official acts is unconstitutional under the doctrine of Presidential Immunity and the separation of powers.

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