Learn English vocabularies with President Trump's statements - (Part 19) | Study English together!!!

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Please join with me to study some words in English with President Trump's statements.

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@ scam /skæm/
     (noun) a dishonest plan for making money or getting an advantage, especially one that involves tricking people (mưu đồ bất lương).
     This scam "rushed" trial taking place in a 95% Democrat area is a planned and coordinated witch hunt that could have been brought 8 years ago, but everybody passed.

@ rush /rʌʃ/
     (verb) to cause to go or do something very quickly (đổ xô tới).
     This scam "rushed" trial taking place in a 95% Democrat area is a planned and coordinated witch hunt that could have been brought 8 years ago, but everybody passed.

@ trial /traɪəl/
     (noun) the hearing of statements and showing of objects, et cetera in a law court to judge if a person is guilty of a crime or to decide a case or a legal matter (phiên tòa xét xử).
     This scam "rushed" trial taking place in a 95% Democrat area is a planned and coordinated witch hunt that could have been brought 8 years ago, but everybody passed.

@ take place /teɪk pleɪs/
     (phrasal verb) to happen (xảy ra).
     This scam "rushed" trial taking place in a 95% Democrat area is a planned and coordinated witch hunt that could have been brought 8 years ago, but everybody passed.

@ coordinated /koʊˈɔːr.dən.eɪ.t̬ɪd/
     (adjective) effectively organized so that all the parts work well together (được sắp xếp, phối hợp).
     This scam "rushed" trial taking place in a 95% Democrat area is a planned and coordinated witch hunt that could have been brought 8 years ago, but everybody passed.

@ witch /wɪtʃ/
     (noun) a woman who is believed to have magical powers and who uses them to harm or help other people (phù thủy).
     This scam "rushed" trial taking place in a 95% Democrat area is a planned and coordinated witch hunt that could have been brought 8 years ago, but everybody passed.

@ hunt  /hʌnt/
     (noun) to chase or search for a wild animal or bird with the intention of killing or catching it for food, sport or profit (cuộc săn lùng).
     This scam "rushed" trial taking place in a 95% Democrat area is a planned and coordinated witch hunt that could have been brought 8 years ago, but everybody passed.

@ incompetent /ɪnˈkɑːm.pə.t̬ənt/
     (adjective) not having the ability to do something as it should be done (không đủ khả năng).
     Instead they waited and brought it right in the middle of my presidential campaign against the worst and most incompetent president ever, crooked Joe Biden.

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