Learn English vocabularies with President Trump's statements - (Part 24) | Study English together!!!

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Please join with me to study some words in English with President Trump's statements.

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@ in other words
     (idiom) to explain it more clearly (nói cách khác).
     In other words, his mind and body are shot.

@ blatantly /ˈbleɪ.tənt.li/
     (adverb) in a way that is very obvious and intentional, when this is a bad thing (rành rành, hiển nhiên).
     Receiving money, for no apparent reason, from foreign countries, and blatantly prosecuting his political opponent in an attempt to win the presidential election of 2024.

@ in an attempt to do something
     as a way of trying to do something (nỗ lực, cố gắng để làm gì).
     Receiving money, for no apparent reason, from foreign countries, and blatantly prosecuting his political opponent in an attempt to win the presidential election of 2024.

@ election  /ɪˈlek.ʃən/
     (noun) a time when people vote in order to choose someone for a political or official job (sự bầu cử).
     This is election interference only used by third world countries.

@ protest /ˈproʊ.test/
     (noun) a strong complaint expressing disagreement, disapproval or opposition  (sự phản đối).
     Now we have protests, and crooked Joe Biden doesn't know what to do.

@ serious  /ˈsɪr.i.əs/
     (adjective) severe in effect, bad (nghiêm trọng).
     We are a nation in serious decline, a failing nation, but we will not be a failing nation much longer.

@ decline /dɪˈklaɪn/ 
     (noun) when something becomes less in amount, importance, quality or strength (sự suy tàn).
     We are a nation in serious decline, a failing nation, but we will not be a failing nation much longer.

@ failing /ˈfeɪ.lɪŋ/
     (adjective) becoming weaker or less successful (yếu hơn, thất bại hơn).
     We are a nation in serious decline, a failing nation, but we will not be a failing nation much longer.

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