Study English with topics - Phrasal verbs (Part 6) - Law enforcement | Learn vocabularies.

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@ call in /kɔːl ɪn/
     to request that someone come to you (gọi đến, triệu tập)
     Local police called in the FBI to assist with the investigation.
     Did they call you in and have you demonstrate the software for them?

@ come by /kʌm baɪ/
     to get something, using effort, by chance or in a way that has not been explained (kiếm được, vớ được)
     Cheap organic food is still difficult to come by.
     I'd like to know how she came by that black eye.

@ come across /kʌm  əˈkrɒs/
     to find something or someone by chance (tình cờ thấy, bắt gặp)
     He came across some old love letters.
     I came across my old school reports when I was clearing out my desk.

@ ask around /æsk əˈraʊnd/
     to ask a lot of different people in order to get information or help (hỏi quanh)
     I'll ask around and see if anyone knows of a good carpenter.
     Our babysitter's just moved away, so we're asking around for a replacement.

@ help out /help out/
     if you help out, you do a part of someone's work or give someone money (giúp đỡ ai, đặc biệt trong tình cảnh khó khăn)
     Thanks for helping me out with that report, you saved my life.
     He helped his elderly neighbour out by clearing snow from her path.

@ give back /ɡɪv  bæk/
     to return something to the person who gave it to you (trả lại cho ai vật gì)
     The museum gave the painting back to its rightful owner.
     You can borrow my money, as long as you promise to give it back.

@ show up /ʃoʊ  ʌp/
     to arrive somewhere in order to join a group of people, especially late or unexpectedly (có mặt, xuất đầu lộ diện)
     He was rude and unhelpful and always showed up late to work.
     We were expecting 30 people to come, but half of them never showed up.

@ put to /pʊt tu/
     to suggest an idea or plan to someone so that they can consider it or discuss it (đưa ra vấn đề gì để xem xét, giải quyết)
     I'll put the idea to my manager, but I'm not sure he'll agree to it.
     I have a question I want to put to you.

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