Study English with topics - Phrasal verbs (Part 5) - Free time activities | Learn vocabularies.

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@ hang around /hæŋ əˈraʊnd/
     to wait or spend time somewhere, usually for no particular reason (quanh quẩn, lang thang ở khu nào đó)
     If you don't like the weather, hang around until this afternoon.
     She hangs around with some touch kids.

@ ask out /ɑːsk aʊt/
     to invite someone to come with you to a place such as the cinema or a restaurant, especially as a way of starting a romantic relationship (hẹn hò, mời ai đi chơi)
     You should ask her out sometime.
     He asked her out to dinner, but she had other plans.

@ call on /kɔːl ɒn/
     to come to see someone, visit (ghé thăm)
     She went to the hospital to call on a sick friend.
     I often call on my best friend in Ho Chi Minh city in my free time.

@ mess around /mes əˈraʊnd/
     to spend time doing various things that are not important, without any particuar purpose or plan (dành thời gian làm gì như một thú vui)
     We spent the week messing around in the cottage.
     I need to stop messing around and make some decisions.

@ take off  /teɪk ɒf/
     if an aircraft, bird, insect takes off, it leaves the ground and begins to fly (rời đi, cất cánh)
     Relaxed fit pants will keep you comfortable when you are waiting for your flight to take off.
     The plane took off  three hours later.

@ stay up /steɪ ʌp/
     to go to bed later than usual (thức khuya)
     I stayed up to watch the football game on television.
     These days if I stay up late one night I'll be exhausted next morning.

@ turn in /tɜːn ɪn/
     to go to bed (đi ngủ)
     I usually turn in at about midnight.
     I often play with my nice daughter before turning in.

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