Learn English vocabularies with sentences - Common verbs (Part 24) | Study English together!!!

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Please join with me to study some common verbs in English with sentences.

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@ flex /fleks/
     Meaning: to bend an arm, leg, et cetera or tighten a muscle (làm cong, uốn cong).
     Example: First, straighten your legs, then flex your feet.

@ float /floʊt/
     Meaning: to stay on the surface of a liquid and not sink (nổi, lơ lửng).
     Example: In the pool, several ladies were floating on their backs, like starfish, with their arms and legs stretched out.

@ fly /flaɪ/
     Meaning: to travel through the air using wings or an aircraft (bay).
     Example: The birds fly south for the winter to escape the cold weather and find food.

@ fold /foʊld/
     Meaning: to bend something, especially paper or cloth, so that one part of it lies on the other part, or to be able to be bent in this way (gấp, gập).
     Example: With a sorrowful sigh, she folded the letter and put it away.

@ follow /ˈfɑː.loʊ/
     Meaning: to move behind someone or something and go where he, she or it goes (đi theo sau).
     Example: The path follows the river closely, occasionally deviating round a clump of trees.

@ forbid /fɚˈbɪd/
     Meaning: to refuse to allow something, especially officially, or to prevent a particular plan of action by making it impossible (ngăn cấm).
     Example: She obtained a restraining order forbidding her partner from seeing their two children.

@ forget /fɚˈɡet/
     Meaning: to be unable to remember a fact, something that happened, or how to do something (quên).
     Example: She would never forget seeing the Himalayas for the first time.

@ forgive  /fɚˈɡɪv/
     Meaning: to stop blamming or being angry with someone for something that person has done, or not punish them for something (tha thứ).
     Example: He forgave his brother for breaking the window.

@ freeze /friːz/
     Meaning: if you freeze something, you lower its temperature below zero Celsius degree, causing it to become cold and often hard, and if something freezes, its temperature goes below zero Celsius  degree (đóng băng).
     Example: She'll prepare the food ahead of time and freeze it.

@ fry /fraɪ/
     Meaning: to cook food in hot oil or fat (rán, chiên).
     Example: It is healthier to grill or steam your food than to fry it.

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