Learn English vocabularies with President Trump's statements - (Part 10) | Study English together!!!

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Please join with me to study some words in English with President Trump's statements.

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@ respect /rɪˈspekt/
     (verb) to feel or show admiration for someone or something that you believe has good ideas or qualities (tôn trọng).
     Example: While respecting the court's decision, we believe that the court did not afford appropriate significance to the prosecutorial misconduct of Willis and Wade.

@ decision /dɪˈsɪʒ.ən/
     (noun) a choice that you make about something after thinking about several possibilities (sự quyết định).
     Example: While respecting the court's decision, we believe that the court did not afford appropriate significance to the prosecutorial misconduct of Willis and Wade.

@ afford  /əˈfɔːrd/
     (verb) to allow someone to have something pleasant or necessary (tạo cho, ban cho).
     Example: The court did not afford appropriate significance to the prosecutorial misconduct of Willis and Wade, including the financial benefits.

@ appropriate  /əˈproʊ.pri.ət/
     (adjective) suitable or right for a particular situation or occasion (thích hợp, thích đáng).
     Example: The court did not afford appropriate significance to the prosecutorial misconduct of Willis and Wade, including the financial benefits.

@ significance /sɪɡˈnɪf.ə.kəns/
     (noun) importance (sự quan trọng, đáng kể).
     Example: The court did not afford appropriate significance to the prosecutorial misconduct of Willis and Wade, including the financial benefits.

@ prosecutorial /ˌprɑː.sɪ.kjuːˈtɔːr.i.əl/
     (adjective) relating to the process of prosecuting for a crime (truy tố).
     Example: The court did not afford appropriate significance to the prosecutorial misconduct of Willis and Wade, including the financial benefits.

@ misconduct /ˌmɪsˈkɑːn.dʌkt/
     (noun) unacceptable or bad behaviour by someone in a position of authority or responsibility (hành vi sai trái).
     Example: The court did not afford appropriate significance to the prosecutorial misconduct of Willis and Wade, including the financial benefits.

@ testify /ˈtes.tə.faɪ/
     (verb) to speak seriously about something, especially in a law court, or to give or provide proof (làm chứng, chứng nhận).
     Example: including the financial benefits, testifying untruthfully about when their personal relationship began.

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